jueves, septiembre 04, 2008

Mediocrity & Greatness

Mediocrity can be defined by: if someone was to ask you "how are you?" you would reply "fine". Mediocrity is doing an "ok job", having a relationship that "works", being just a "little" overweight, having a job that "pays the bills" etc.. Mediocrity is putting up with things the way they are with no firm plan to change the situation by a specific date. Mediocrity is following a predetermined and unfulfilling path. Most people live in a state of mediocrity. Mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is the top.

Greatness is demanding the best of everything and doing what is required to get it. Greatness is demanding friends who demand the best. Demanding the best wife or husband and the best job and the best pay. Demanding the company you work for makes the best product and is uncompromising in its promise to the customer. Greatness is demanding the best out of ones self.

Greatness means taking ownership of your life and operating out of what is possible not from a place of fear. Greatness is having faith that the world will unfold as you design it to be.

To test if our training was successful, I had my assistant Lacey Norton define what "mediocrity to greatness" was for her and this is what she wrote:

In order to determine what "GREATNESS" means you first need to figure out what "MEDIOCRITY" is.

is a state in which most individuals live. Most people are completely unaware of the greatness that exists within them and they continually co-exist in a vicious cycle of trying to make themselves happy in unfulfilling and meaningless ways. Most people are not happy living this way but most do not even know what it means to live a "great" life, they have never been exposed to the possibility of living life in this manner. They are completely unaware of the fact that their mediocrity is killing their ability to be great. It is in this small detail where those of us who have been exposed to the possibility of a great life are able to contribute to elevating the world from a place of mediocrity to a place of greatness.


* Living a "FINE" life
* Just going with the motions of life – not "living" life
* Status Quo
* Following a predetermined path
* Following a "leader"
* Stagnant
* A vocabulary full of "I wish and I hope", excuses and blame
* Worrying about what others think
* Not taking control of ones life
* Continually trying to look good
* Not loving every moment life
* Unhealthy Mind = Unhealthy Body


* Leading a "great" life on a daily basis
* Creating your own path in this world
* Being a "leader"
* Unique individual
* Do not live your life concerned about how you look or what others think
* Live a life full of endless possibilities
* Open to failing and making mistakes
* Learning and new experiences
* Knowledge
* Continually moving forward
* Confident, strong and courageous
* Personal Responsibility – full ownership of one's life
* Making a difference – being a contribution

The law of attraction says you will attract into your life the goals and visions that you manifest as possible and real. Great visions and goals will attract others with great visions and goals. Great people help great people become greater.

Choose to be GREAT... Choose to bring greatness into your life and choose to partake in "elevating the world from a place of mediocrity to a place of greatness!"

From lululemon vision: elevating the world (through our people) from mediocrity to greatness

miércoles, septiembre 03, 2008

Lo que aprendi hoy por estar DESPIERTA!!!

Posted by Margarita Tremari on August 8, 2008 at 8:52pm

Sin importar, tiempo, espacio o distancia el amor une corazones.
Me preocupo y sufro pienso que nadie se percata pero a un corazón sincero difícilmente lo engaño, puedo engañarme a mi misma, pero a Dios y estos hermosos seres humanos jamás.
Que cuando preciso llorar para descansar levanto un muro que más tarde se derriba y el dolor es peor
.Lo positivo tiene mayor fuerza y poder que lo negativo...porque conformarme a sobrevivir y dejar que mis apegos, egos y temores me impidan vivir!.
La vida es un camino en si, no el fin del trayecto, lo sé, ahora debo practicarlo! Un corazón lastimado difícilmente volverá a recibirte quizá por arrebatos, se haya alejado de mi vida, quien es importante para mi .
Los amigos se cultivan...una bella siembra abonada con amor y atención traerá una cosecha indescriptible
"Aquel que me traiciona, desea mal o quiere mi destrucción, se destruye primero a si mismo, porque yo soy y estoy en Dios.
." Las cosas materiales se pueden reponer, pero una silla en mi comedor ocupada por un ser amado, nuca será remplazado si por sobre protección o en nombre de un "amor" malentendido, le presiono de tal forma que esa silla quedará tarde o temprano vacía.
Los hijos son fruto del amor, aún y cuando ese amor no esté más a nuestro lado, no podemos negar que fué amor.
La manipulación la tiré a la basura está borrada de mi diccionario personal.
Si amo debo dar libertad, si el pajarillo vuelve al nido, es porque regresa al hogar, sino es que solo el amor golpeó las puertas de mi corazón en una sintonía que no va con el vuelo y catar de ese pajarillo, pero no por eso debo cerrar el portón, pues el sonido de mi melodía encontrará sintonía en otro vuelo.
Vivir no es lo mismo que trascender, vivir cualquiera lo hace , trascender solo los que siendo simples humanos, quieren tocar el borde del manto de Dios
Esto y mucho más aprendí por estar despierta, cuando todos duermen ...

Solo ahora debo recordarlo y marcarlo en mi agenda personal para que cada día el amanecer con el canto del jilguero y los destellos del sol, en la rutina diaria, no puedan borrar todo lo que aprendí herramientas simples y fuertes, que me harán tocar aquella bella estrella que deseo alcanzar.